Photochromic - Nanoen

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Photochromic Microcapsule



Photochromic microcapsule changes its color following the variation of te light, of which application is being increased recently.  It absorbs hazardous ultraviolet rays to show up colors, when absorbing the light, after structural change.  When the light is blocked, it decolorizes returning to the original core structure.

Product Code: NR

  • NR-P: Powder

  • NR-S: Slurry


Application of UV reactive die microcapsule to the cigarette pack. which has been printed for simple measuring of ultraviolet ryas and to verify the genuine or counterfeit cigarette.


Example of the postage-stamp applied with photochromic UV microcapsule
to identify genuine stamps from the counterfeit stamps


When photochromic microcapsule is exposed to the light, it causes the structural variation to change its color.


Picture of the photochromic pen produced using the photochromic microcapsule
on the cap of pen


Artificial clay flower before exposed to the sun beam

Same flower showing colors when exposed to the sun beam


Typical Dyeing Process

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