SilverNano - Nanoen

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Functional Microcapsule



SilverNano is a brand name of the microcapsule containing silver nano particle in the shell.  It is an innovative product of Nanoen, which can encapsulate various core materials such as aroma, oil, vitamin, thermochromic dye, photochromic dye, and so on as well as the silver nano particle.  SilverNano is more effective in the anti-microbial and germicidal capability compared to the ordinary microcapsules.  SilverNano powder can be used for injection and coating processes as well.

Product Code: SN

  • SN-M: SilverMaster for textile applications

  • SN-P: SilverShell of BioHerb for textile and laundry

  • SN-S: SilverMaster powder for plastic coating and printing

  • Shell: Natural/Synthetic material or polymer

  • Core: Anti-microbacterial silver nano, perfume, vitamin E acetate, thermochromic dye, photochromic dye, etc.



SF-Mark certified by the FITI


Specification of SilverNano


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